Since 1990, K and M Nursery has grown and sold the highest quality Fortuniana grafted roses available.
Our Mission
We aim to bring you the largest possible selection of roses for landscaping, gardening, hybridizing and exhibiting. In addition to providing for your rose purchasing needs, we offer information and guidance to grow the healthiest bushes possible. Our well-versed staff travels to rose societies and seminars in the southern United States to speak on roses and their care. We often visit lawn and garden shows as well. For the garden clubs and Master Gardener associations located in the southern United States, we offer our stock on a consignment basis for fundraisers.
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.”
What is Fortuniana?
Fortuniana is a rose that originated in China. We take the root system of this rose and graft it to the stem of another rose. This rose will adopt the root system of Fortuniana while still producing the same flowers as before. So why Fortuniana? It is ideal here in the south of the United States for several reasons. In the south, our soil contains nematodes. These tiny worms will attack your rose's root system and eventually kill the bush. Luckily, Fortuniana is unaffected by nematodes. It is also resistant to most other root disease. In addition, it thrives in heat and humidity that would daunt and deter other roses.
The Fortuniana root system is much larger than those of other rootstocks; its roots are fibrous and extend out from the plant much farther than other rootstocks. The expansive root system is what truly makes it ideal. The system is large, so it creates larger blooms with more foliage. This in turn creates a larger plant overall.
In other areas of the United States, after the first year the rootstock is generally as winter hardy as most other root systems. It will require special care to survive this first winter.
Eddie Edwards varieties
John Smith roses
Kordes roses
Florist roses
Hybrid Teas
Floribundas & Grandifloras
Own Root Old Garden Roses